Monday, May 21, 2012

I aten't dead. Just boring.


MissTottenham said...

MissTottenham said...
Hiya RW sweetie.

Well, the weather people got it wrong again. No snow but plenty of hot sunshine, long may it last

The neighbour had two dogs which had pups, I think a couple of people have bought one then brought it back. To be honest, I think the cost of all the food means he gets to spend less on booze and he hasn't been blasting the music too much lately. Poor things only have his dump of a garden to roam as he doesn't take them for a walk. His lady friend comes each day to take each one for a walk of a few meters, hardly worth it but more than he does.

I'm sorry that you are between work at the mo, but if the weather is nice, it's agreat time of year to have some time to yourself. Make the most of it. Next week we have a two day bank holiday for the Queen's jubilee, 60 years on the throne. I hope it stays sunny for that.

Ooooooo you are brave, I've waxed my legs before but always cringed at the thought of that for the underarms, it seems too delicate an area for me. Did it hurt bad? Blimey, permed eyelashes, never heard of that before. Don't do it too often or they'll end up too curly and you'll have eyelash afro hee hee!

No proper holiday plans, we always go to the seaside in July where we scattered dad's ashes and try to stay a night or two but it's been a few years since I had a real holiday, can't afford one right now on my part time wage. Shame. I hope you do manage to get yourself off somewhere.

If you do come to London next year, it would be great to meet up. let me know if you decide to.

At least if this weather holds out we should have a nice summer, though we usually only get about three days of summer before the rain starts again, boo.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya RW sweetie.

I'm glad you are enjoying your unemplyed status. It's a nice time of year to have it. Good luck with future plans for travel/apartment.

I'm back home after my time in London. It was so expensive so I cut my losses. I'm working in a solicitors office at the mo and really enjoying it. One of the women there share my goth tastes so we get on really well and have such a laugh.

I don't have a problem waxing my legs but I find shaving so much less time consuming, maybe cos I've always used home waxing strips and they seem to make sticky mess everywhere. Never actually had it done professionally.

I hope you do manage to meet up with the other guys, if you do you will have to give them my love and take plenty of pics.

Also give my love to GS if you email as I also haven't mailed her in a while, I've been so bad about emails. I should get onto that. In fact, I've emailed her as we speak, mutli tasking or what LOL.

MissTottenham said...

Aw, no baking.

*makes sad face*

Have a really fantastic Christmas sweetie xxxx

MissTottenham said...

You'll have to save me a cookie RW when you start the baking ^_^

I hope you had a great Christmas sweetie. I hope the New Year is a great one too xxxxxxx

MissTottenham said...

LOL RW, loafing is always the best choice.

My sis went to see The Hobbit and she loved it too. New Years involved pain gonna blog about it.

MissTottenham said...

LOL RW, *shakes fist at you and your blatent show wearing*

I haven't left the house since before New Years except for half an hour to go to the doctors.

Bored yet? Yup I bloody am.

Sorry to hear about your scar, made me wince just thinking about it.

MissTottenham said...

Toe is still poorly but slowly on the mend.

Wowee at 3 concerts? blimey, your friend should maybe buy some sturdy concert going boots from now on.

Funny thing is, my friend came round Wednesday for a catch up and she just managed to get her shoes back on after breaking her toe too.

MissTottenham said...

My friend broke her toe putting away xmas decorations so just a few weeks. After looking at mine she thinks she's just fractured hers.

She has always been accident prone like you wouldn't believe.

Ooooooooo open toe shoes for concerts, that's making me cringe.

MissTottenham said...

Oooooooooooo RW, three toes. That wasn't all at once was it?

Congrats on the job. Have you got a place to stay in Stratford?

MissTottenham said...

I'm so glad that you'll be staying with someone you know. Glad to hear that laundry and internet are included too.

Are you looking forward to it or would you rather be staying at home

MissTottenham said...

I'm so glad that you'll be able to come home at intervals cos being away till May is a long time.

Things are OK here, we've had a lot of snow these last few weeks, it is the worst time of year to break your toe shoe wise. Everyone else I've talked to who broke theirs say "it was summer so I just put flip flops on and carried on" Yeah, flip flops in 6 inches of snow isn't any good to me LOL

MissTottenham said...

Hiya RW, I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself.

It would be good to find someone to share a car with, It's always good to come home even if you've been on the best holiday of your life.

MissTottenham said...

No date set at the mo but they have mentioned August next year. She wants to be warm on her big day LOL.

MissTottenham said...

No date set at the mo but they have mentioned August next year. She wants to be warm on her big day LOL.

MissTottenham said...

I hope you are still managing to get home regularly sweetie.

MissTottenham said...

RW, that's great news. $10 for gas is much better. Are trains overpriced in Canada too? I never get the train here, always take the coach if I have to travel long distance cos train is unaffordable.

MissTottenham said...

It's still cold here but at least it's stopped snowing.

Can't wait for our usual two days of summer LOL.

MissTottenham said...

Too hot for too long. I can't ever imagine how that would feel.

MissTottenham said...

LOL it gets hot for about two days in the summer.

To be honest, sometimes we have a scorcher where the news says it's hotter than in the Med or Turkey or some such place but it never lasts more than a couple of days at a time so you can never expect what weather you're gonna get and plan for it.

MissTottenham said...

Wow, still with the snow. At least we've stopped with that now although they do say we will be covered in frost Sunday.

It'll be nice to be able to turn the heating off.

MissTottenham said...

We've had two scorching hot days too. That'll prob be our summer for this year LOL. I joke but these last couple of years it's felt that a couple of days is all we got what with all the flooding and rain.

MissTottenham said...

LOL maybe you should have a little ceremony to help the cats come to terms with it.

MissTottenham said...

Aw bless, catnip. If a cat is sent crazy by CATnip, pizza sends me crazy so am I am PIZ????

MissTottenham said...

LOL RW, that can be my new blogname. I love it.

MissTottenham said...

*pokes RW*

Hiya sweetie xx

MissTottenham said...

if you find yourself flagging have a restorative pizza break :)

RW, it's like you can read my mind.

MissTottenham said...

Good Luck with the cyst RW, I hope you get some relief from having it removed sweetie.

MissTottenham said...

Oooooooo blimey RW, sounds like you have a lot of poking and prodding to look forward to.

I'm ok. Foot doing a bit better on the water pills. Can't believe come new year's it'll have been a year. A whole year of foot troubles. This year has been a total write off for me, can't wait for it to be over. Unlucky 13 I guess.

MissTottenham said...

New Year's eve, looked out of mum's bedroom window at the fireworks and knocked a vase which dropped onto my toe (the one next to the little one). Broke the toe but foot swelling didn't go down many months later. Went to have an x-ray and see specialists after it had been more than 6 months. got diagnosed with CRPS (google it, it's wonderful). I started taking water tablets myself (no help from dr's) and they have haleped loads. Foot back to 95% normal at the mo but when I use it for long periods it still all swells up like a balloon. It's still a different colour than the other foot and this has been going on almost a year now and all because of a little broken toe.

Never break your toe sweetie.

MissTottenham said...

I hope you are enjoying 2014. I started the year by getting a bad case of cellulitis on my forehead. A huge lump of fluid slowly making it's way down my head. When it reached my nose and pooled into the corners of my eyelids, my sis told me I looked like an avatar. lovely eh?

MissTottenham said...

Good news, the antibiotics sorted out my face and I no longer look like the elephant man.

Maybe you are right RW cos my luck changed. I got a refund from an old loan of 2 and a half grand and then I got a job interview for next week.

I hope your cyst removal is still going OK sweetie.

MissTottenham said...

You are right RW, antibiotics are wonderful things.

I hope you are still doing well after your op sweetie.

MissTottenham said...

I'm so glad RW that you are healing well. It must be a weight off your mind to finally get that sorted.

MissTottenham said...

RW, I hope the gel Jenn mentioned works. Here in the UK we have something called bio oil which is supposed to help with minimizing scarring. There are products out there and I hope you find one that helps.

MissTottenham said...

RW, I hope that your hard lump settles down. It is quite soon after the op, so I hope soon it starts to soften up more. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about but I know that you'd rather it wasn't there at all.

MissTottenham said...

As for the scar tissue RW, defo get some of the oils me and Jenn mentioned cos they are supposed to make scar tissue go more flat. It can't hurt to try sweetie.

MissTottenham said...

How was the trip RW? I saw a few pics on FB and they were great xx

MissTottenham said...

Hiya RW sweetie, how are you?

I'm bumbling along. Looking forward to my holiday, not too long now. Egypt, here I come.

I'm so glad you had a great time in Scotland. How did you handle the accent?

MissTottenham said...

LOL, that Scottish accent can get a little strong at times.

I'm off at the end of March, not long now.