Friday, August 8, 2008

Hi :)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi RW *big squeeze* I hope you're well? Take care

capture this void said...

Thank you. :)

Tonnes of fun.

capture this void said...

Or, is it tons? Ah, well.

Someone needs to change their time zone once more.

sdock10 said...


What you doin? I mean besides inhaling paint fumes.

MissTottenham said...


I see by the comments at my blog that you are still having difficulty with your colour choice.

May I recommend yellow. I know that this is out of the blue and no one has mentioned this colour to you but I really do think it is the way to go.

Anonymous said...

*squeezes RW super hard like a pack of Twinkies*

I hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

hello back to you

JocelynHolly said...

Resurrected Wreck,

You've always been so positive and caring, I don't know how you do it.

Stay strong RW, stay beautiful. Take what life throws at you and make the best of it.

- 007

MissTottenham said...


Anonymous said...

*runs desperately to RW's blog*

*is out of breath*

*finally catches enough breath to speak*

RW!! Guess what? Miss T suggested that I paint my room






Anonymous said...

Yes!! She said that if I ever decide to paint my room, it should be YELLOW!!

Oh, the agony

*faints, then hits floor*


Anonymous said...

P.S. Your comment also made me giggle. I left a message for Miss T on my profile page.She's probably not gonna like it ^_^

Sweet dreams RW *squeeze*

farawaysoclose said...

hi RW!!

it's been a while! i enjoyed chin wagging with you when you weren't working!!

i have eased off the poached eggs on toast, but even typing that makes me want them!!

take care and see you around!

Anonymous said...


Now she's suggesting that I paint my *blog* yellow!!

Madness, I tells ya! X_x