Thursday, August 28, 2008



Anonymous said...

Hahaha RW. Miss T is not gonna like the new color when she sees this. It's hilarious ^_^

Anyways, I'm just stopping by to say I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take care.

*super squeezes RW*

sdock10 said...

My eyes! my eyes! fshfhkjhfh

Anonymous said...

RW, within the next few days, I'm painting my blog RED!! It will make Miss T's eyes sore >:)

Goodnight and sweet dreams! *Squeeze*

farawaysoclose said...

woah! that is very green. i like it!

Anonymous said...

RW, yes it is! Yellow is too mustardy ^_^

Anonymous said...


I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week. What happened to the green? :p

Take care *squeeze*

redrum said...

Just dandy. And yourself?

Anonymous said...


You poor thing, I know you don't like yellow, so I pinky swear that I'll change the text color to a non yellowz one :)

sdock10 said...

How green is yo' green?

I think you just like inhaling paint fumes!

Come paint me when you get done.

Insert Google Face_____

Anonymous said...


I hope your migraine gets better. Take care and have a wonderful weekend * big squeeze*

P.S. You should see what Miss T said on my blog.

Anonymous said...


Even the color of poo is better than yellow? Lol.

I hope your migraine is better today. Have a wonderful weekend!

And yep, here comes another loveable squeeze *squeezes RW*

Pickled Possum said...

*hides where RW would least expect*

*merges sloooooowwllly into RW's blog*

Anonymous said...


I hope you feel better soon.


Pickled Possum said...

*starts undulating slowly, creating a mesmerising shimmer effect in RW's blog*

gnothi seauton said...

No, she alternates.

This made me absolutely crease up laughing. Have I ever told you how much you crack me up?

Hope you are well.

A x

capture this void said...

Apparently adoption leads to serial killing.

I'm keeping an eye on you.

Pickled Possum said...

*Hides Redrums pants, albeit not very well, amongst RW's green*

farawaysoclose said...

PP you iz too funny!

hiya RW!! i had poached eggs on toast for lunch today and thought of you!

missing you all!

lewishasfallensloppydead said...

Wreck, you kill me! ;p

I hope you are doing well? I miss chatting with everyone. Shit is just awful and crazy here. But I am thinking of you guys. Hope work is going comfortably? Did you ever get the voodoo or Don Quixote tattoo's? I haven't been by in so long! I hope you are well, I really miss you!! I hope to stop by sometime, but everything seems to be happening at once here... oh help! ;p

Again, I miss ya, I hope you are good! (AND -I have Greenwhich Village, Black and Silver nail polish on! You are in love with green now yea? Think Grinch, or Grouch.. ;p Either one! ha ha!) Love to ya Wreck! <3 l/d

capture this void said...

I hope all is well!

Take care, Soda.

Anonymous said...

*squeezes RW*

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

MissTottenham said...

Thank you RW.

That squeeze feels good.

lewishasfallensloppydead said...

Hiya Wreck!!

So sorry about that! I deleted toward the middle of last month?? Went back to work, too much distraction! As it is I can hardly get anything done --I see shiny and I just drop everything and follow...sad, sad, sad!


I hope you are doing good? I wish I had more time to hang and chat! :( Am moving this weekend (I will just say it like it's for sure! I don't want to think on the 'what if' any more!), and I am dreading the lack of computer attention I will get! ;) I hope work is going alright?

I remember you had said you were wanting to go to England for some classes. I was curious if you were still down with that? Made any plans? Sounded totally awesome to me! I absolutely Love theatre clothes! (well, kinda goes with the whole theatre thing yea!?) ;p I don't know if I ever asked you -is it the costumes that you love more or the plays? Surely you must dig the plays yea?? I've been yelling at Tj to get to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for a while now. Possibly the Most awesome place on the planet! (Theres no glitter or stickers, but the little town of Ashland is quite surrounded by creek and shops. There is even the most killer comic shop I have ever been in there! Well, and ice cream! I am suddenly wondering why I don't live there.... wow.)

Anyway! Ramble!! ;p I hope you are doing good? You and Mj, my headache buddies! How are you on that front? Mj sounds so much better, I hope you are doing so, too! The weather here has been blazing hot to raggin icey -so it's not helping me much! So rude! ;) Anyway, I hope you are doing good! I do miss you!!

-love to you Wreck!! <33l/d

Anonymous said...

Hi RW *squeeze* I hope you're well.

I was wondering......what happened to the green?

Original Punk L said...

Hey, RW. How are you? Just listening to music today and catching up.

Hope you have a great weekend!


MissTottenham said...

Thank you so much RW for the thoughts about Laura. It really means a lot to me.


Anonymous said...

Aww thank you RW. And your smiles makes me happy :)


capture this void said...

Hey. :)

Sounds stressful! How did they turn out?

I'm emotionally drained. Quite frankly, I can't wait for this week to come to an end. :|

Are you enjoying the cool weather?

redrum said...

Thanks. I had almost forgotten about that song.

sdock10 said...


Thank you for hanging out with me on my birthday. You helped make it extra special just by being there.

Anonymous said...

*sneaks up on RW and gives her the biggest squeeze*

I hope you're having a great weekend! Yesterday Amy suggested that I move to British Columbia and I was thinking that if that should ever happen, it will give me free reign to come and stalk you whenever I feel like it ^_^

capture this void said...

Hi! :)

I'm not too fond of the cool weather. I'm missing summer already. It seems like I woke up one morning and everything turned orange overnight. I swear if we have another winter like the one we had last year I'm gonna lose it!

I hope the migraines have loosened up. We've only had rain once this week, I think?

I've been fine, just busy. :) I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow, though. Are you planning to do anything special?

Enjoy your three-day weekend!

Anon616 said...

Hello RW!!!! Green? Does that mean I should go? ;)
Or, is that color your trim is going be? Hmmm....

I think you're next post should be about those black panties! Just a suggestion!

I hope you had a great weekend. Enjoy the week RW!

Hugs and Love,

Anon616 said...

Black panties? What black panties? I don't know nothing about no black panties either! ;)

I got you covered, RW. (You might need some covering without those panties!) *wink again*

I understand about the green too! Mayo's cock inspired me (LOL) and I've been working on a red sunset; but, all that red is giving me a headache! Darn Mayo and his inspiring combustible cock!

Hugs and Much Love,

Anonymous said...


That's currently my favorite color so I fully back your declaration.

Sorry, my love, I will get back to your comment about the love thing later.

I'm having a weird angry day which is super rare for me and it's now transmuting to blahness so excuse my bad attitude.

I just didn't want you to go feeling neglected or that I'd forgotten you.

Anon616 said...

*runs in to drop these off for RW*

We can't have you getting caught uncovered

Or, catching a chill because you're "bits and pieces" are uncovered! ;)

Hugs and Much Love,

capture this void said...

I'm glad to hear you've been migraine free for some time now. I woke up today and I thought it was the middle of the night. :| Turns out it was just really cloudy.

I hope you had a great time on Thanksgiving Day! It sure sounds relaxing. I had a wonderful time with my family this year.

I forgot to tell you this. I was over at Kensington Market the other day and thought of you!

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...


I miss seeing you at mayo's :(

I hope you're okay *big squeeze*

MissTottenham said...

Huge snogs.

*runs away*

Pickled Possum said...

Hi you! =)

No I'm not! Sorry for the confusion. I was talking about a moment from the past.

Thank goodness! =)

Anonymous said...


I just saw the pics you posted at mayo's. I think you're pretty.


capture this void said...

I saw! Absolutely crazy stuff, yeah? I was in denial for the longest time, trying to convince myself that it was some deformed version of rain. Even though technically speaking, it is, but y'know. :| Whatever.

Good thing it didn't stay, eh?

How was your day?

Anonymous said...

*sneaks up on RW and gives her the biggest squeeze because she misses RW due to computer problems*

I hope youre having a great day!

capture this void said...

Yhus, I saw! I'm not ready either! :( I have to sleep with socks on 'cause I'm way too cold.

What did you do for Halloween?

Anonymous said...

*Gives RW a double helping of squeezes, then quietly sneaks off into the evening*


Anonymous said...

*gives RW another pumpkin-like squeeze*

Aww I missed you last night too RW. I got home really late last night from taking a trip to the suburbs :/

I wasn't at Grant Park, but we kept calling up relatives asking who won the election. It was ALL over the news and TV. It was pretty amazing stuff.

Anonymous said...

It was RW.

I heard on the news that there was 250,000 people in attendance.

Anonymous said...

It was beautiful, RW. But I didn't actually have tears until I went to that page I linked to this morning. When I saw what they had done there, I cried like a little emo bitch. :D

Anonymous said...

Goodnight RW, sweet dreams *squeeze*

*tucks warm blanket in*

MissTottenham said...

Oh no, you iz getting sick just when I iz getting better.

*puts chicken soup on bedside table and strokes RW's forehead*

Get well soon sweetie.

Anonymous said...

*Sneaky squeezes RW back*

Hee hee

Anonymous said...


With a big, squeezy hug of course :)

MissTottenham said...

LOL RW, pizza brings memories of me. I'm so happy and I'm so glad you are well again sweetie.

toujours said...

it's true!

in fact, i heard back from my editor, and he really likes my writing!


thank you for the congratulations. :)

Smoke said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes and the prezzie! I ♥ you!

Anonymous said...

*sneaks up behind RW and gives her a squeeze full of sappy love and friendship*

elena said...

Hey RW

Thanks for stopping by my house and offering kind words for Flighty. Lord, it's a good thing I dye my hair or I'm sure it would be totally gray by now. LOL

Kids totally drain the life out of you!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get better soon RW


capture this void said...

I woke up to see a blanket of snow outside my window. Kill me now.


And I've been fine, but I'm still having problems sleeping. How are you?

Halloween was great! Seeing all the little kiddies out in their costumes was so adorable. I wanted to get into the Halloween spirit so I dressed up as The Joker (tres originale). Then we ended up going to a bar. It was awkward.

Anonymous said...


You know better than to give me a sneaky squeeze ^_^

*squeezes back super tight*

farawaysoclose said...

hi RW!!

wow 60 comments!

not been in real time with you for a while so just popping in to say a big hello!!!

for lunch today (i had no breakfast) i had 2 pieces of toast and get this....4 poached eggs on them!! fucking luverly! felt a bit greedy but it was breakfast and lunch!

seeya around RW!

Anonymous said...

Sneaky squeezing is not allowed RW :p

*Squeezes RW anyways*

Anonymous said...


Guess what? I missed you, and your sqeezes! :(

Anonymous said...

RW, I'm so glad for you! :D

Anonymous said...

And what good timing, too, RW, since I got you knocked up! ;)

Anonymous said...

We are going to be THE BEST parents! We'll bring the baby on tour! And when I'm on stage and you're watching from the side (and being seen by all my new fans!) we can just leave it in the bathroom sink or something!

Anonymous said...

I like your idea about the fork and the money.

But can't we name it Sharpie? After all, it means so much to us.

Anonymous said...

"Oral hygiene?" WTF is that? Does it have something to do with you + my belt buckle? LULZIES!!!!

Anonymous said...

SIXTY NINE! There's your oral hygiene!

Anonymous said...

BWAHA! Awesome.

Okay, now THAT I can relate to!

How about we name it Sharpie Hickey? Oh, well what am I saying, YOU get to pick the name. If you want, we can name it after our best friend and call it Sharpie Urine. Or Urine Sharpie.

It's up to you!

Anonymous said...

Excellent ideas, Wife! You are so brilliant. I think you should get the Nobel Prize for thinking up those names.

Anonymous said...

*sneaks up and gives RW a really really late at night squeeze* ^_^

farawaysoclose said...

hey RW!

just popping in to say hello and i hope you are feeling more yourself today.

take care and see you around sometime.

capture this void said...

I'm not dead! :|

I've missed you! Is everything okay? Did we stop the nicknames? :(

capture this void said...

Ovarian cyst and food poisoning? Yikes. :( Sounds pretty bad, but I wish you a speedy recovery!

I'm doing fine, just pissed at the weather here, yeah? Terrific timing, too. My uncle was supposed to fly in from NYC but his flight ended up getting canceled. And a friend of mine was planning to go to NYC, but her flight got canceled, too. :| But, I'm still really stoked for Christmas.

I bought the cutest little boots from Aldo the other day and I thought of you, Soda.

sdock10 said...

I just ♥ you.

That is all.

farawaysoclose said...

hey RW!!

so glad you are feeling better and non bloated! it's about damn time!! we are all fixing ourselves slowly! only 1 more day to go! i just want to enjoy my day, have some energy in me and eat lots of yummy food!

i saw that you liked the new Coldplay CD (ok not so new!!) i haven't even listened to it properly, it didn't grab me, so i must give it another go.

other than yellow, this is my fav one of theirs. when the 4 part harmony kicks in it's just great!

anyway see you around!

sdock10 said...


I just dropped back by your place tonight to wish you a Very Very Very Very Very Merry Christmas. I wish you were down here with me and Smoke because we could show you what a Southern Dixie Christmas is all about. That translates into lots of giggles and profanities and googly faces.

Thanks for sharing this past year with me. Who would have ever thought that we'd be spending 2 Christmases together.

Love you!

Smoke said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, RW! I ♥ you! ^_^

Anonymous said...


I hope you had a great christmas and that you're feeling better. Have a great weekend!

And yep, I do enjoy giving you lots of sqeezes :)


Andrea said...

Happy New Year RW!

sdock10 said...

Happy 2009, RW!

farawaysoclose said...

Happy New Year to you!!

sorry i'm late!

gnothi seauton said...

Happy New Year RW!!